-Last Saturday, I went with another American exchange student, Eva, to go see the new Harry Potter movie. Though it was dubbed in Spanish, I understood about 99% of the dialogue! It was funny to hear the Castilian ‘lisp’ instead of British accents, and I think I prefer watching movies in their original language.
-I got my haircut! I was nervous (especially after my mom’s German perm story), so I just asked for a trim, but everything went well! I was honestly frightened that the lady would misunderstand me and chop off all my hair or something… crisis avoided.
-It’s so cold! I’ve been drinking a lot of tea and wearing mittens and slippers indoors. Consistent 40 degree temperatures are something I am not used to, but people are telling me that I need to wait until January until it “actually gets cold”… uh oh. On the bright side, this means there is snow in Madrid! I’m going to Madrid next weekend, so I hope the snow stays.
-This past Thursday, as I’m sure you all know, was Thanksgiving. Spain doesn’t have a similar holiday, but a Rotary member invited Eva and I for a delicious dinner instead. It was weird not being with my family and eating turkey and pumpkin pie. I’ve had to explain to several people what Thanksgiving is and why it’s a holiday; upon hearing about the feast with the Pilgrims and Indians, my friend said in all seriousness, “ I thought the Pilgrims killed the Indians.” I told her, “No, no, that was after they taught the Pilgrims how to survive…”
More to come next week about my 5 days in Madrid!